Merge and unmerge cells using a macro in an excel report

When I copy a range of cells, some are merged and some not, and it happens that for my report, I need to unmerge them but in some occasions, I need to merge some cells too.

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When I use the macro ?

To unmerge all cells that are merged and to merge some cells.


How to create the macro ?

Read How to create, edit, hide and select a macro in an excel report


How to create the button to associate it with the macro ?

Read How to create a button and associated it to a macro in an excel report


How is the macro ?

Copy the code below and paste it into your macro. You will see my comments in green if exist so follow the help to adapt to your need.

To unmerge:

Sub test()
' put only the cells you want to unmerge
End Sub

To merge:

Sub test()
' put only the cells you want to merge
End Sub

If I want to center the comment in the middle, this is the code:

Sub test()
' change B2:B10 by your cell reference
With ActiveSheet.Range("B2:B10")
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
End Sub

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