Power BI: replace value from a cell to another cell

Replacing a value of a cell column from another one is quite useful when I have some empty cells. It is not necessary a blank cell but it can be for other reason that I need to replace.

power bi power bi

To do that, I have to go to the query editor first:

  • 1. Home -> transform data -> transform data
power bi
  • 2. Select the column to replace the cell then click on “transform -> replace values”
power bi
  • 3. In the popup:
    • Value to find, put “null” if it is a blank cell or the value I want to replace
    • Replace with, put anything, it doesn´t matter because I will change it
power bi power bi
  • 4. Once done, click on “OK”. In the formula field, replace “#date(1900, 1, 1)” by “each [argument]” (put the column name) then click on “done”. NOTE: change "argument" by yours.

power bi power bi
  • 6. Click on “close & apply”

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