Power BI: between slicer in formula calculating/showing all values below or above filter selection

When I have a report with date and/or time, I may use the between slicer. Its behaviour is to show the corresponding selection between 2 values:

power bi power bi power bi

In some scenario, I can´t use this kind of slicer but others like the vertical list, the tile or the dropdown. In such situation, I need that those filters behave like the between one. Moreover, I will need that if I will select 3 different values, it will display the corresponding selection, not between them.

power bi power bi power bi power bi

As you can see in the pictures above, by selecting the values, it behaves as the between filter showing all data below (it can be above) or between dates and the measure displays how many incidents but by choosing 3 values, they show exactly what I selected. I will explain how to do it with the date, take note that it is the same process with time, number, etc. (only formula will change).

I have only one table called “sheet1” with those 4 columns:

power bi

I will create a new DAX table with this formula: DISTINCT('table1'[argument1])

power bi power bi

It will duplicate the “date” column of sheet1 and I will name it “newtabledate”. I will create a slicer with newtabledate and a table with all columns of sheet1:

power bi power bi

I will create a measure to count the number of incidents with this formula:

'table1'[argument1]>=FIRSTDATE('table2'[argument]) && 'table1'[argument1]<=LASTDATE('table2'[argument])
power bi


If the “newtabledate” filter has values that my table doesn´t have (for instance 28/09/2023), I will get a blank result. To avoid that, add the first blue part and change SELECTEDVALUE('table2'[argument]) by the second blue part.

var num = CONVERT(CONCATENATEX(VALUES('table2'[argument]),[argument]),DATETIME)

'table1'[argument1]>=FIRSTDATE('table2'[argument]) && 'table1'[argument1]<=LASTDATE('table2'[argument])
power bi

The second blue part is using the first blue part which does 2 things:

  • To extract the value of the filter which will be in text format
  • Then to convert it into a date. To convert in another format, check the Microsoft CONVERT webpage


  • To show above instead of below, only change >= by <= (green part)
  • If I use “single select” instead of “multi-select”, I just need the yellow part
  • For others (time, number, etc.) than date, replace the red part by:
    'table1'[argument1]>=FIRSTNONBLANKVALUE('table2'[argument],MIN('table2'[argument])) && 'table1'[argument1]<=LASTNONBLANKVALUE('table2'[argument],MAX('table2'[argument]))
  • power bi

And another one to use it as a filter for the table:

IF(SELECTEDVALUE('table1'[argument1])>=FIRSTDATE('table2'[argument]) && SELECTEDVALUE('table1'[argument1])<=LASTDATE('table2'[argument]),1,0)
power bi


  • To show above instead of below, only change >= by <= (green part)
  • If I use “single select” instead of “multi-select”, I just need the yellow part
  • For others (time, number, etc.) than date, replace the red part by:
    IF(SELECTEDVALUE('table1'[argument1])>=FIRSTNONBLANKVALUE('table2'[argument],MIN('table2'[argument])) && SELECTEDVALUE('table1'[argument1])<=LASTNONBLANKVALUE('table2'[argument],MAX('table2'[argument])),1,0)
  • power bi

Then I will add it in “filters” (not in “visualizations”) of my table and as you can see in my picture, I configured to 1.

power bi power bi

The last step is to create an inactive relationship:

power bi power bi

NOTE: by activating the relationship, it will come back to its default behaviour and it is not what I want. For the formula to work, I need to select the correct cardinality based on my data and for the “cross filter direction”, I selected “both” because I have a measure but if I had only a table, I can select “single” (not working for the measure).

Everything is in place so by selecting those values, it behaves as the between slicer by displaying all below or between and the corresponding count:

power bi power bi power bi

In the other hand, as you can see, if I select 3 or more value, it is not showing what I want. In such situation I need to introduce a new condition, if I select 3 or more, do that if not do this so the new formula for “measure”:

first formula of measure
power bi

And for “measure 2”:

first formula of measure 2
power bi

The final result:

power bi

Interesting Management