Power BI: reading window to display better the information

Imagine that I have this table:

power bi

To create a reading panel, there are 2 options, using the card or a text box but before that, I will need to create a measure with this formula:

IF(ISBLANK(SELECTEDVALUE('table'[argument])),"what to do sentence",SELECTEDVALUE('table'[argument]))

power bi

NOTE: replace “table” and “argument” by yours.

Once done, I will create a visual card and put my measure:

power bi

This is the result:

power bi power bi

The information is big, I just need to format my visual by changing whatever I want, like the font size, remove the label, put another color, etc.

If you prefer to leave blank instead of the “please select only 1 item to display the comment”, just remove it from the formula like this:

power bi

The bad point with the card, it is limited in characters so if my comment is very long, it will not show all the information no matter the smallest font size I will use. To remediate, I will use the text box:

power bi

Click on “+ value” and in the “how would you calculate this value” field, I put the name of my measure then click on “save”.

power bi power bi

If I have 2 different tables and I need to show also the comment, I just need to put another IF with the second table name and argument but to do something cleaner, I like to use variant like this:

var blank1=SELECTEDVALUE('table1'[argument])
var blank2=SELECTEDVALUE('table2'[argument])
IF(ISBLANK(blank1),IF(ISBLANK(blank2),"what to do sentence",blank2),blank1)
power bi

Interesting Management