ITIL 4 Managing Professional Certification Course: High Velocity IT (HVIT) - Objectives

Objective Description Closely related service value chain activities
Valuable investments Strategically innovative and effective application of IT Engage, plan, improve
Fast development Quick realization and delivery of IT services and IT‐related products Engage, design and transition, obtain/build
Resilient operations Highly resilient IT services and IT‐related products Deliver and support
Co-created value Effective interaction between service providers and service consumers Engage, deliver and support
Assured conformance Adherence to governance, risk and compliance (GRC) requirements All value chain activities

1. Valuable investments

Strategically innovative and effective application of IT

Identify and justify investments that make a significant contribution to business strategy:

  • Utility determines potential value
  • Warranty ensures potential value is not adversely affected

Research and development of products in terms of profitability

Evaluate products and services in terms of profitability and continually re‐evaluate / identify better alternatives

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2. Fast development

Realize new and improved digital products and services frequently, quickly and reliably

The sooner products are delivered, the sooner value can be realized (fast ROI comes from fast time to market/customer)

One way to deliver fast is to break product into small increments

Delivery must be reliable, as well as fast, this can include able to recover fast, as well as more reliable

Fast development has no intrinsic value (value comes from use of the product or service being developed)

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3. Resilient operations

Ensure that digital products are highly available for use

Potential value can only be realized when products are usable

Warranty reduces risk to utility, and so reduces value leakage

IT systems are complex; guarantees are an illusion. Emphasis is on restoring service quickly, rather than preventing failures

Can be measured in terms of availability, performance, and security:

  • Availability: Percentage uptime (must be understood in terms of impact)
  • Performance: time for page to load, query to execute, process to complete
  • Security: Coverage and effectiveness of security controls...

4. Value co-creation

Effective interaction between service provider and consumer

Value is co‐created when people or things act on decisions that have been improved by information derived from information systems

Users must understand digital products in terms of business process (understand the functionality, interpret the information, make decisions, act)

Value co-creation includes value for ALL stakeholders

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5. Assured conformance

Service provision and service consumption comply with corporate and regulatory directives for governance, risk and compliance (digital orgs may use different ways to fulfil these requirements)

High velocity is often associated with taking risks:

  • Biggest risk is often not taking a risk, but risks must be justified
  • Governing body must be assured that directives have been followed

Must understand governance constraints and how to act

Assured conformance helps peace of mind for people who own governance, risk, and compliance (GRC)

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